More photos!! Woohoo~
Hahaha... I'm back with more candid shots from the HK trip. If time permits, i'll add some from our grad night too. Haa.
The early bird gets the worm. This couldn't have been more true. 2 entries down, you'll see a big CENSORED! in red in place of what was once a photo of LJH doing business. If you've missed it, too bad! Nothing uncensored though, so don't tear your hair out. Haha. But I'm not going to push my luck and upload it again.
Alrighty, let's start the ball rolling with pics taken at Ocean Park!
A proper group photo, not a candid shot actually. Judging from the big smile on LJH's face, it seems like he was oblivious to our palms sticking beside his face. Haha.
How sad... Sylvia just missed out on the children ticket price. lol.
Our very own 'Act'-ress.
Tsk tsk. Caught in the act. Zhang3 bu4 da4 jiu1 si4 zhang3 bu4 da4.
Haha.. SK looks like some ji gou pek (dirty old man). See lao ah ma yam cha also so excited.. lol.
Swee Keat the drug addict. lol, just look at his face!
The Vomitter + Drug Addict
Hong Kong: Mai3 dong1 xi1, ci1 dong1 xi1(Shopping and eating)?!?! More like ci1 dong1 xi1, shui4 jiao4 (Eating and sleeping).

Zzzz Zzzz
Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz
LOL.. Look at Belinda's expression. What was she thinking?!?
Well.. This concludes our HK trip. Wah.. I spent an hour doing this entry...
Haha, hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do.
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